
Shriram Rayons, Kota (Rajasthan) is a unit of DCM Shriram Industries Ltd.
It was established in 1965 with technical know-how from M/s Beaunit Fibers Inc., USA, a leading man-made fiber manufacturer.

The plant produces Industrial Technical Tyre Yarn, Cord and Fabric/chafer for tyres in the country as well as exports and also for other industrial applications including stitching cord, reinforcing materials for V-Belts etc. The plant also produces chemicals such as Carbon Disulphide, Anhydrous Sodium Sulphate.

Quality of rayon tyre yarn and fabrics produced by Shriram Rayons have been widely accepted in the international market giving potentials for capturing further growing share in the world market. The unit is committed to excellence and growth and has plans for diversification, which are on anvil.

Our commitment to the environment is total and we believe that the environmental norms set by our government is not only met but exceeded on a continuous basis. Over the last 10 years, we have reduced the consumption of fossil fuel by half, replacing it with agro waste an environment friendly renewable fuel. We are always investing heavily both in Technology and Safe Environment practices.

Human Resources Development, Team Work and Employees participation are the key thrusts of management. Customer satisfaction is the prime focus of the entire unit.