Policies, Awards, Recognitions and Certifications
Daurala Sugar Works

Daurala Sugar Works, Daurala is certified for "Food Safety System Certification" based on FSSC 22000 V5 (a Global Food Safety Initiative "GFSI" recognised standard), by DNV GL, The Netherlands.

Research & Development division of Daurala Sugar Works, Daurala is recognized with Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) , Ministry of Science and Technology , Government of India.

Quality Systems
The first sugar complex in India to be accredited with ISO-9002 certification way back in 1996, for all its manufacturing facilities and recently re-accredited under the upgraded "Quality Management Systems" based on ISO 9001:2015 certification system by DNV GL.

Green India Award
Daurala Sugar Works was awarded the prestigious "Green India Award" by Frost & Sullivan for having demonstrated effective deployment of sustainable green manufacturing practices in the organisation and operations.